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CLOUD™ Parallettes

Bring your body over the clouds just by the strength of your body for the first time in your lifetime. Handmade in the EU from aluminium that can be recycled forever and Portuguese cork blocks. Cloud parallettes are designed to push you above the pinnacle of your strength.

Sale price€129.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
  • 3 items left - make it yours!
  • Inventory on the way
  • Tested by professional athletes
  • Made in EU
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Same day fulfilment
  • Built from corrosion resistant aluminium EN6060 sourced in Slovakia.
  • Aluminium sheets divided with CNC laser cutter.
  • Aluminium rods of 40mm diameter have 3mm thick wall for extended lifespan
  • Constructed and welded in certified manufacturing company with experiences for over 20 years.
  • Natural agglomerated cork blocks sourced and made in Portugal.
  • Aluminum weldments are blasted with a ballotine for surface homogenization and fine roughening.
  • Electrostatic application of structured paint.
  • Swiss-made glue for connecting aluminium U-profile with cork blocks.
  • Corrosion resistance makes it suitable for use in open weather conditions.
  • 6060 aluminum alloy has a tensile strength of 170-230 MPa (withstands 2 tons of pressure on one square cm).
  • Aluminium alloy can be recycled multiple times (forever in most cases) without loosing its mechanical properties.
  • Cork block breaks down completely without releasing toxins into the environment, and it can be repurposed and recycled.
  • Cork does not contribute to deforestation as it is self-regenerative.


  • XS: 22x18x12 cm*
  • S: 45x20x12 cm*
  • M: 45x38x32 cm*
  • Handle: 40mm diameter



  • XS: 1.2kg per pair
  • S: 1.8kg per pair
  • M: 3.2kg per pair


Key Alloying Elements in 6060 Aluminium

  • Silicon (Si): Silicon improves the strength, workability and corrosion resistance of an alloy (0.30%-0.60%)

  • Magnesium (Mg): This element adds to the overall strength of the alloy through modulating its response as well as achieving longer durability. (0.35% – 0.60%)

  • Iron (Fe): The presence of iron may influence the mechanical characteristics of the material and is generally limited to controlled levels in order to retain certain properties desired. (0.10%-0.30%)


100% of materials used in Cloud™ Parallettes is sourced in Europe and manufacturing takes place in the European Union, following the block's strict Fair Trade Policy.

Recycled, sustainably sourced and ultra-light materials used in this product are more than 3 times more expensive than the average ones used in parallettes by other brands.

With Marmati Cloud™ Parallettes, you are not only choosing a better future for you, but also for generations to come. Learn more about our sustainable practices and our commitments to reduce our impact.

      We think you'll like this product. But if not, send it back within 45 days after delivery for a full refund, no worries. None.

      Package includes: Set of Parallettes, Digital user manual.

      You purchase supports sustainable supply chain that respects Mother Earth, values its workers, and bolsters communities through economic prosperity.

      I'm a long-term Marmati customer and they shocked me with these eye-catching parallettes. I realized cloud innovation is primarily about the function and performance, not just a visual impression. 



      Get Extra Bouncing Power With Each Push

      Cloud parallettes are supported by cork blocks to provide a feathering function. It is a state-of-the-art and natural innovation that minimizes joint damage and maximizes performance. Cork provides extra bouncing power during performing exercises on cloud parallettes thanks to its slight compression.

      8% Brings Yet Unknown Comfort

      We use cork blocks with high strength and low compression. 100 kilograms of weight will compress the cork blocks just by 8%. You won't mention the compression, but your muscles after an intensive workout certainly will.

      Perfect Grip Even with Sweaty Hands

      Aluminum surface is blasted with a ballotine for surface homogenisation and fine roughening. This roughens the surface by blasting it with abrasive particles. It results in a uniform, non-glossy texture that helps with grip. On top of blasting, we powder coat a textured finish that improves grip and protects aluminium. It is so comfortable that you will want to continue the workout until you are totally done.

      Stay Balanced Without Wobbling

      The cork block compresses evenly over its whole length while absorbing surface irregularities. That improves balance significantly. In addition to cork blocks providing extra balance, all sizes of cloud parallettes are welded with strong welds to prevent swaying.

      Avoid Inner and Outer Injuries

      Slippage, imbalance and screws are the main dangers when training on parallettes. With cloud parallettes, you won't get hurt by any of these. In addition, exercising on cloud parallettes avoids internal joint and muscle injuries thanks to cork cushioning at the impact.

      Aluminium can be recycled forever without losing its mechanical properties. It's one of the most recycled materials ever.

      We focus on circular manufacturing processes that have high recyclability. Cloud Parallettes are ready to enter into a new stage of life once you are done with them. According to International Aluminium Institute almost 75 per cent of the 1.5 billion tonnes of Aluminium ever produced is still in use today

      Materials Matter

      withstands decades of extreme conditions


      Durability decides a product's sustainability by a large percentage, although it may not be obvious. Imagine having a product that lasts decades, compared to the average one that can last only a few years. Energy consumption, choice of materials, usage of natural resources, carbon emissions generated during production, transport of products within the supply chain, and then to the final customer—it all counts and needs to be repeated with each new product. Cloud Parallettes are made with precision from ultra-durable, corrosion and damage-resistant materials that can withstand tests of weather and time. Cloud Parallettes can survive multiple average ones.

      cutting transportation-related emissions


      Using aluminium as the main material enables us to keep our parallettes in the recycling loop forever. However, choice of aluminium brings more environmental benefits. It's lightness significantly reduces the impact of parallettes on the environment. Heavier loads require more energy to move, whether by truck, ship, train, or plane. As fuel consumption increases, so do emissions of pollutants like CO₂, nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter and other greenhouse gases.

      Our cork lifecycle could begin 200 years ago


      Cork is considered a highly sustainable material primarily for its environmental, economic, and social benefits. Cork is harvested from the bark of cork oak trees (Quercus suber), which can regenerate. The trees are not cut down; instead, the bark is stripped every 9-12 years, allowing the tree to continue growing. A single tree can be harvested many times throughout its life, which can span over 200 years. Cork oak forests are capable of absorbing significant amounts of carbon dioxide, making them an effective carbon sink.

      why we use cork


      Cork is lightweight yet highly durable, making it ideal for a range of applications, from flooring to insulation. Its cellular structure gives it a balance of strength and flexibility. Cork is water-resistant due to its waxy substance called suberin. Cork is fully biodegradable and can be recycled. It decomposes naturally without releasing harmful chemicals, and many cork products can be recycled into new items. Cork's elasticity allows it to regain its shape after compression. Its shock-absorbing properties also make it comfortable for applications like flooring, footwear or the world's best parallettes.

      trust the leader in coatings industry


      The structured coating we use for perfectly soft, anti-slip surfaces was designed in Philadelphia. Axalta’s coatings are often designed to cure or dry at lower temperatures. This reduces the amount of energy needed during the application process, cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. Coatings are formulated to provide long-lasting protection against wear, corrosion, and UV degradation. Their extended lifespan reduces the need for frequent repainting, leading to less material consumption over time. Many of Axalta's products are designed to have low volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. VOCs are harmful to both human health and the environment, contributing to air pollution and smog.

      unique cork + aluminium connection


      We are using glue type T2 1740 made by our partner Artimelt. Most of the additives in the glue are natural. Although you won't come into contact with the glue during exercise, it's harmless to your skin.

      Precisely welded by hand

      The aluminium construction of the parallettes is made locally in our manufacturing company in Slovakia. The welder's experiences completing Marmati parallettes range from welding ultra-strong crushing machines through industrial and military washing machines to helipads. Cloud parallettes may be the smallest product our welders have ever welded. Now, they are putting 20+ years of experience into welding just 260 millimetres per parallette.


      Wherever you go to explore this wonderful planet, take a piece of your workout regimen with you. Barriers between your exploring aspirations and a healthy lifestyle have been broken. Cloud parallettes are your reliable and stylish companion at any stage of your adventurous lifestyle.

      Portable and Light

      With the smallest cloud parallettes, you won't feel as if there was a whole gym in your backpack. Our parallettes are constructed from aluminium, which is known for its lightness. It is 3 times lighter than steel (a popular material for all average parallettes). Not just imagine, but experience unique and distinct training adventures. On the beach, on the top of the mountain with a breathtaking view,...

      No assembly needed*

      Cloud parallettes come as one pair, with no need for assembly. Tiny cloud parallettes perfectly fit into any backpack which makes you ready for a bodyweight workout anytime, anywhere. *Medium sized Cloud Parallettes are designed with hidden screws needed for assembly. Assembly is intuitive, comes with guide and needed assembly gear. You won't get into contact with any screws during workout, as all are hidden.

      Ultra-durable for Elite Gym Spaces

      Gym owners may highly appreciate the durability and user experience of their equipment. Wooden handles absorb sweat, dirt and chalk. It will last only for a limited time and will bring inferior and unhygienic training experience. Most athletes claim wooden handles are more comfortable. Not anymore. Cloud Parallettes bring an elite and unmatched workout experience.

      No More Scratches in Your Living Room

      Anti-slip pads usually used in average parallettes are of so rigid surface, that it scratches your premium home floor. These pads are also extremely thin, getting destroyed once you try outdoor workouts. We don't use pads. Our thick cork blocks are attached to the U-profile to maximize performance and reduce scratches in your living room to zero.

      Why not to train just on the floor?

      Training on parallettes is better for enhancing range of motion, reducing wrist strain, improving grip strength, and providing safer and more versatile progressions for bodyweight exercises. Parallettes are essential tool for anyone looking to improve calisthenics or gymnastics skills, protect joints, or develop advanced strength and balance.


      Orders from our EU and Global store are shipped from our warehouses in Slovakia, Europe. UK orders are shipped from warehouses in the United Kingdom for the most efficient and eco-friendly method of delivery.

      It takes 2 business days when shipping to Slovakia, 2-4 business days when shipping within the EU, and 7 - 14 business days when shipping outside of Europe.

      We offer free worldwide shipping on all orders over 150€.

      If you're in the EU then no import duties will apply. If you are outside of the EU, we are not responsible for customs/duties charges. These costs are determined by your local customs office. From 1st January 2021, the UK is no longer part of the EU. The UK orders are fulfiled from the local fulfilment centre, there are no extra taxes, customs and duties charged.

      If there is something not quite right, we have a 45-day no questions asked returns policy. The 45-day period starts on the day products are delivered. Please email us at to start a return, or start a return request here.

      There are multiple excercises that can be performed on Cloud Parallettes, at any places. Please read one of our journal articles to learn some exercises, click here. Your order comes with the Ultimate Guide To Parallettes that includes detailed instructions to perform 60+ exercises on parallettes.

      Sure, Cloud™ Parallettes (XS and S) by Marmati are compact and fit in most backpacks and bags.

      Training on parallettes is better for enhancing range of motion, reducing wrist strain, improving grip strength, and providing safer and more versatile progressions for bodyweight exercises. Parallettes are essential tool for anyone looking to improve calisthenics or gymnastics skills, protect joints, or develop advanced strength and balance.

      Yes, our parallettes are suitable for outdoor and indoor workouts.

      Our team is ready to answer any questions you have. Please contact us via our contact us page.