Chránič Popruhov
Chránič Popruhov
Chránič Popruhov

Chránič Popruhov

Bežná cena$9 USD
Vrátane dane. Doprava vypočítaná pri pokladni.
  • Málo zásob - 7 zostávajúcich položiek
  • Zásoby na ceste

  • Tree-Friendly
  • Lightweight & Compact
  • Weather-Resistant
  • Strap Saver
Vaše gymnastické kruhy si zaslúžia to najlepšie, rovnako ako stromy, ktoré ich podporujú. MARMATI Chránič Popruhov sa ovinie okolo konárov, aby chránil vaše popruhy pred ostrou kôrou. Sú ľahké, odolné a určené pre športovcov, ktorí trénujú vonku bez toho, aby zanechali stopy na prírode.

Tree-Friendly – No trees were harmed in the making of this workout. Protects bark from excessive pressure and friction.

Strap Saver – Keeps your MARMATI straps from fraying and wearing out against sharp tree bark. More durability, less replacement.

Lightweight & Compact – Rolls up easily and fits in your bag, so you can take your rings to any outdoor spot.

Weather-Resistant – Rain, sun, snow—these protectors can handle it all, just like you.

Fast & Simple Setup – No buckles, no straps—just wrap and train.

Material: Breathable, flexible, and weather-resistant non-woven fabric

Dimensions: 1.5 meters long x 10 cm wide (each piece)

Pack includes: 2 protectors (one for each strap)

  1. Find a strong tree branch – Make sure it can handle your dynamic strength!
  2. Wrap the branch – Take the MARMATI Tree Hugger and wrap it around the area where you’ll hang your rings. Overlap slightly for full coverage.
  3. Hang your straps – Secure your gymnastic rings as usual, knowing your straps and the tree are both well-protected.
  4. Train hard, leave no trace – Crush your workout, then roll up the protectors and head to your next adventure.

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