15 Gymnastic Rings Exercises To Build Your Desired Strength

Gymnastic rings are one of the most universal sports equipment arising to their first famous moments as early as at the end of the Roman empire. For more on the beginnings of gymnastic rings, see our story.
But today, we will teach you new exercises, or remind you of the ones you have already experienced. Occasionally, we hear opinions that gymnastic rings have limited options for bodily movements. You might have also heard that it is challenging to train on gymnastic rings. Luckily, it can be challenging, but it can be easy as well. It depends on how you set up your gymnastic rings during the workout.
You're gonna learn all of this in this unique guide. Here come 15 exercises on gymnastic rings:
1 Assisted Ring Dips Vertical
Assisted ring dips are a beneficial exercise for developing upper body strength and stability, particularly targeting the triceps, chest, and shoulders.
This variation allows you to gradually build strength and technique before progressing to unassisted ring dips. Assisted ring dips help improve muscle strength, enhance upper body definition, and enhance overall stability. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can provide a challenging yet rewarding workout experience.
- Adjust the length of your straps to the position of your waist.
- Start by gripping the rings firmly.
- Make sure your upper body is in vertical position.
- Lower your body until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle.
- Push back up to the starting position.
Make it easier
Use resistance bands or have a spotter assist you by holding your legs or providing slight assistance during the movement.
Challenge yourself
Progress to ring dips without assistance.
2 Bicep Curls

Feel the burn as you engage your muscles and conquer gravity with the classic bicep curl on gym rings. This exercise is a fantastic way to unleash the power of your biceps and develop upper arm strength and definition.
The bicep curl on gym rings challenges not only your biceps but also your grip strength and overall upper body stability. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can effectively target and strengthen your biceps, resulting in sculpted and powerful arms.
- Start by gripping the rings with an underhand grip, arms fully extended.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend your elbows and curl your body upward, bringing your hands towards your shoulders.
- Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.
Make it easier
Shorten your strap length, keeping yourself in a vertical position.
Challenge yourself
Increase the length of straps and bring yourself more to a horizontal position. Alternatively, perform one arm biceps curl. Once you master the biceps curl, progress to chin up.
3 Chin Ups
This exercise is an excellent way to engage your upper body and experience the rush of pulling yourself up to conquer the rings. Chin-ups on gym rings provide a dynamic and challenging workout that targets the muscles of your back, arms, and shoulders.
Chin-ups on gym rings not only build strength and muscular endurance but also improve grip strength and overall upper-body stability. By incorporating this exercise into your fitness routine, you can elevate your upper body strength and enhance your fitness level.
- Grip the ring shoulder-width apart or slightly closer with an underhand grip.
- Keeping your upper arms stationary, bend your elbows and curl your body upward until you pull your chin above the rings.
- Aim to pull as high as possible, with the aim of touching rings with your chest.
- Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position, until you straighten your arms.
Make it easier
Use resistance bands or have a spotter assist you. Decrease the strength of resistance bands gradually, until you can perform chin-ups without resistance bands.
Challenge yourself
Increase the difficulty by adding a resistance with a weight. As a weight, you can use either a weight vest or dumbbell placed behind your knee. Alternatively, try to pull your chin directly over one hand, alternating hands. You can also perform pull-ups in the L-sit position, which will challenge your abdominal muscles.
4 Ring Dips
Engage your triceps, chest, and shoulders with the challenging and effective exercise of lowering and lifting your body between the gym rings. This exercise targets multiple upper-body muscles and offers a great opportunity to build strength, improve stability, and enhance your overall upper-body prowess. It increases the strength of your pushing muscles which are important for advanced positions like planche and handstand pushups.
This movement, known as ring dips, not only works for the targeted muscle groups but also engages stabilizer muscles throughout your upper body.
By incorporating ring dips into your workout routine, you can effectively build muscle, improve stability, and enhance your overall upper body strength and fitness.
- Start by gripping the rings firmly and positioning yourself in a plank position, with your body straight and extended.
- Descend your body by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides, until your chest reaches the level of the rings.
- Press yourself back up to the starting position by extending your arms.
Make it easier
If ring dips are too intensive for you, try dips on bars first. You can also use resistance bands gripped with hands and hanging on resistance bands with knees.
Challenge yourself
Increase intensity by using resistance with a weight vest.
5 Hanging Knee Tuck Hold
Challenge your core and upper body strength with the hanging knee tuck hold. This exercise targets the abdominals, hip flexors, and upper body muscles, providing a challenging and effective workout.
The hanging knee tuck hold not only strengthens your core but also improves grip strength and overall upper body stability. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can enhance your core strength, improve body control, and develop greater upper body strength and stability.
- Start by hanging from a bar or gym ring with your arms fully extended.
- Engage your core and lift your knees towards your chest, creating a tucked position.
- Hold this position for a specific duration, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging your core muscles throughout.
Make it easier
If you cannot perform tuck hold, start by lifting your legs bent in your knees multiple times, bringing them back to the starting position slowly.
Challenge yourself
Ad weight vest as resistance. If you are mastering this exercise, progress to tuck lever hold.
6 Ice Cream Makers
This challenging exercise will test your core strength and engage your hip flexor muscles for a complete abdominal workout.
The Gym Rings Ice Cream Maker exercise is a dynamic movement that targets your abs and hip flexors, helping to strengthen and sculpt your core muscles while improving your hip flexor power. Incorporating this exercise into your routine will contribute to a more defined midsection and enhanced functional strength in your hip flexors. Brace yourself for the challenge and enjoy the sweet rewards of stronger abs and hip flexors.
- Start at the top of the pull-up position.
- Move to a front lever position.
- Move back to the top of the pull-up.
- Keep the continuous movement so you feel like seesawing.
Make it easier
Bend your knees at the front lever position.
Challenge yourself
Hold in the position of a front lever as long as you can handle it without bending your core or knees.
7 Knee Raises
Feel the burn and engage your abdominal muscles as you raise your knees toward your chest. This challenging exercise is a highly effective way to target and strengthen your core.
Knee raises are a great exercise for building core strength and developing sculpted abs. They engage multiple abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis and the lower abs.
- Start by hanging from a bar or using gym rings with your arms fully extended.
- Keep your upper body stable and lift your knees towards your chest.
- Focus on using your abdominal muscles to drive the movement.
- Slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position and repeat.
Make it easier
This is the beginer position before you can perform leg raises. However, if you are unable to perform knee raises, try to use resistance bands.
Challenge yourself
Perform knee side raises, alternating sides. Try to touch your right shoulder with your knees, then your left one. Alternatively, you can progress to leg raises.
8 Leg Raises
Target your lower abs, hip flexors, and obliques with the Gym Rings Leg Raises exercise. This powerful movement helps you build a solid foundation and achieve impressive core stability.
Gym Rings Leg Raises are a challenging and effective exercise that engages your entire core. Incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can strengthen your lower abs, target your hip flexors, and engage your oblique muscles. This exercise not only builds a strong core but also enhances overall core stability, helping you perform daily activities with ease and efficiency.
- Start by hanging from the rings with your arms fully extended.
- Engage your abdominal muscles as you raise your legs, focusing on using your core strength to lift them toward the top of the rings.
- Keep your legs straight and controlled throughout the movement.
- Lower your legs back down with control and repeat.
Make it easier
If you have trouble with mobility at your knees, slightly bend the knees. Avoid changing the angle of the shoulders.
Challenge yourself
Add ankle weights.
9 Ring Pull Up
Achieve new heights in upper body strength and build an impressive back with the classic exercise of pull-ups. Pull-ups are a highly effective compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles of your back, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius.
Pull-ups not only strengthen your back muscles but also engage your arms, shoulders, and core. They promote upper body strength, enhance grip strength, and contribute to overall functional fitness.
- Grip a bar with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Hang with your arms fully extended, then engage your back muscles to pull your body up until your chin is above the bar.
- Aim to bring your chest to the bar, not your shoulders.
- Lower yourself back down with control and repeat the movement.
Make it easier
Use a resistance band to decrease the challenge. Optionally, try jumping pull-ups.
Challenge yourself
Add weight to increase the challenge or perform pull-ups in the L-sit posture.
10 Ring Push Up
Enhance your upper body strength and develop a powerful chest, shoulders, and arms with the timeless exercise of push-ups. Push-ups are a versatile and effective compound exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the chest (pectoral muscles), shoulders (deltoids), triceps, and core.
Push-ups can be modified to match your fitness level, allowing you to gradually progress as your strength increases. Regularly incorporating push-ups into your workout routine can help you build upper body strength, improve muscular endurance, and develop a well-rounded physique. Challenge yourself with push-ups and experience the benefits of increased upper body strength and stability.
Experiencing scratched arms after doing push-ups? It is the issue with mediocre gymnastic rings. You don't need to buy a new set of gymnastic rings, just upgrade them with unique extra soft straps available in multiple colours.
- Start in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward.
- Lower your body by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides, until your chest is just above the ground.
- Push yourself back up to the starting position by extending your arms.
- Focus on maintaining a straight line from head to toe throughout the movement.
Make it easier
Adjust the height of the rings as desired, and thus influence the degree of difficulty. The higher the rings are thanks to strap length adjustment, the easier the push-ups.
Challenge yourself
Add weight to increase the challenge by either adding a weight vest or putting weights on your back.
11 Ring Flies
Develop strong and well-defined chest muscles with ring flies, a challenging exercise that targets your pectoral muscles. Ring flies are a variation of the classic chest fly exercise, performed using gym rings.
Ring flies not only work your chest muscles but also engage your shoulders and arms as stabilizer muscles. This exercise helps improve chest muscle strength, enhance muscle definition, and improve overall upper body stability. Incorporating ring flies into your workout routine can be an effective way to target your chest muscles and achieve well-rounded upper body strength.
Take on the challenge of ring flies and experience the benefits of a stronger and more sculpted chest.
- Start by holding the rings with your arms extended in front of you.
- Lean forward slightly, keeping your body in a straight line.
- From this position, open your arms wide, allowing the rings to move outward until you feel a stretch in your chest muscles.
- Control the movement as you bring the rings back to the starting position, engaging your chest muscles throughout.
- Keep your arms extended throughout the entire movement.
Make it easier
Again, the higher the gymnastic rings are set, the easier the exercise will be. You can add variability to this exercise by starting at a higher position in the first set, and then adjusting the length slightly lower with each upcoming set. Adjusting strap length is extremely easy with our innovative quick-release buckle.
Challenge yourself
Add weight to increase the challenge by either adding a weight vest or putting weights on your back.
12 Ring Rows
Build a strong and defined back with ring rows, a highly effective exercise that targets your upper back muscles, including the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi. Ring rows are a horizontal pulling exercise that engages your arms, shoulders, and core as well.
By incorporating ring rows into your workout routine, you can strengthen your back muscles, improve posture, and enhance overall upper body strength and stability. Challenge yourself with ring rows and enjoy the benefits of a stronger and more defined back.
- Adjust the rings to an appropriate height, where your body is at an angle and your arms are extended in front of you.
- Grab the rings with an overhand grip and position yourself with your body straight and heels on the ground, knees bent.
- Keeping your core engaged, pull your chest up towards the rings, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Ideally, aim to pull rings slightly below your chest to increase your strength in muscle groups important for callisthenics.
- Lower yourself back down with control and repeat the movement.
Make it easier
Ring rows can be modified by adjusting the angle of your body to match your strength and fitness level. The shorter the strap length is set to, the easier the rows will be.
Challenge yourself
Straighten the legs to increase the difficulty. You can also put your legs on the box to place your legs into a higher horizontal position than your chest. The most obvious way to make ring rows more challenging is to add weight to your practice.
13 Straight Arm Hold
Test Your strength and stability with the straight arm hold, an exercise that targets your shoulders, core, and upper body muscles. The straight arm hold involves holding your body in a plank-like position with your arms fully extended, focusing on maintaining a straight line from head to toe. This exercise primarily engages the muscles of your shoulders, including the deltoids and trapezius, while also activating your core muscles for stability.
The straight arm hold is a challenging exercise that helps improve shoulder stability, upper body strength, and overall core control.
- Start by positioning yourself in a pull-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Engage your core and extend your arms, keeping your body straight and avoiding any sagging or bending at the hips.
- Rotate the wrists to the position in which your palms are facing forward.
- Hold this position for a specific duration, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging your muscles throughout.
Make it easier
Use resistance bands to make it easier.
Challenge yourself
Add a weight to your practice. Optionally, you can try to hold the position as long as you can. There needs to be some limit, and probably you can attack a world record of 2 hours, and 39 minutes.
14 Tricep Extension
Target and strengthen your triceps with trice extensions, a highly effective exercise that isolates and engages the muscles at the back of your upper arms. Tricep extensions effectively target and strengthen the triceps, contributing to improved arm strength and definition. They also engage the muscles of the shoulders and chest as stabilizers.
Incorporating tricep extensions into your workout routine, you can enhance your tricep strength, improve arm aesthetics, and develop greater upper-body functional strength. Challenge your triceps with triceps extensions and enjoy the benefits of stronger and more defined arms.
- Adjust the rings to an appropriate height.
- Hold the rings with an overhand grip and position yourself with your body angled away from the rings, arms fully extended.
- Keeping your upper arms close to your sides, bend your elbows to lower your body towards the rings.
- Maintain control and extend your arms back to the starting position, focusing on contracting your triceps throughout the movement.
Make it easier
Adjust the intensity with adjusting the strap length. The higher the rings are positioned, the easier the exercise.
Challenge yourself
Descend the position of rings. Optinally, try one arm triceps extensions.
15 Tuck Lever Hold
The tuck lever hold is an advanced bodyweight exercise that requires a great deal of core stability and upper body strength.
The tuck lever hold primarily targets your core muscles, including the rectus abdominis and the obliques, while also engaging the muscles of your upper body, such as the shoulders and arms. It is an advanced exercise that challenges your strength, balance, and body control.
By incorporating the tuck lever hold into your training routine, you can improve your core strength, enhance overall body stability, and achieve greater control over your movements. Push yourself to new limits with the tuck lever hold and enjoy the benefits of a stronger and more resilient core.
- Grip a gymnastic rings with an overhand grip.
- Lift your legs up and tuck your knees towards your chest, creating a tuck position.
- Engage your core and slowly lift your body off the ground, keeping your body horizontal and parallel to the ground.
- Hold this position for as long as you can, focusing on maintaining proper form and activating your core and upper body muscles.
Make it easier
Use the power of resistance bands to help you keep in tuck lever position. Optionally, you can build your strength by swinging up and down, from tuck lever starting position to tuck lever position.
Challenge yourself
Progress to frontlever hold by extending your legs. If extending both legs is too challenging for you, extend one leg only when in tuck lever position. You will build your strength gradually.
Generally, the length of the straps can significantly decrease or increase the intensity of workout on gymnastic rings. There comes the reason why intuitivness of length adjustment is so important when working out on gymnastic rings. You don't wanna lose your time (and nerves) adjusting length of average gymnastic rings, which are overpenetrating the market. If you have got any question regarding particular exercise, feel free to contact us via chat, phone call or email us at hello@marmati.com. We wish you a challenging and adventurous workout.
Perform 15 gymnastic rings exercises featured in this guide with the world's best gymnastic rings.
- Adjust length intuitively,
- experience soft and grippy grip,
- avoid skin burn with smooth straps
- and express your respect for the planet.